يقدم لكم موقع اقرأ مقال جديد تحت عنوان موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية ، وقصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر ، و برجراف عن السفر للخارج له مميزات وعيوب ، و تعبير عن السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي ، و فوائد السفر السبع بالانجليزي ، و جمل عن السفر بالانجليزي ، يبحث العديد من طلاب المدارس على نماذج موضوعات باللغة الانجليزية ، لذلك خصصنا هذا الموضوع لنعرض لكم نماذج موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية ، تابعوا القراءة.

موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية 

موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية 

موضوع تعبير عن السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية ، من أكثر الأشياء التي يبحث عنها طلاب المدرسة في مراحلهم المختلفة،  لذلك يسعدنا أن نقدم لكم نموذج جاهز، يساعدك في كتابك موضوعك عن السفر للخارج.

النموذج ٢ 

Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travels more exciting and challenging, we can choose to plan our own and select the specific places we want to visit. Traveling not only provides us fun and adventure, it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

السفر يساعد على إثراء حياتنا. يزيد من معرفتنا ويوسع منظورنا. عندما نزور أماكن شيقة ، نكتشف ونتعلم أشياء كثيرة. نكتشف أشخاصًا جددًا ومحيطًا ونباتات وحيوانات. إذا أردنا أن نجعل رحلاتنا أكثر إثارة وتحديًا ، فيمكننا اختيار التخطيط لرحلاتنا واختيار الأماكن المحددة التي نريد زيارتها. لا يمنحنا السفر المتعة والمغامرة فحسب ، بل يوفر لنا أيضًا رؤى رائعة وينير عقولنا.

النموذج ٢

Traveling provide opportunities for us to share our happiness with our friends and family. When we travel with our friends and family, we create memories that would last a lifetime. It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a with those we love. Giving them a wonderful traveling experience far outweighs the benefit of buying presents for them. Goods have a limited life span, whereas memories last forever.

يوفر لنا السفر فرصًا لمشاركة سعادتنا مع أصدقائنا وعائلتنا. عندما نسافر مع أصدقائنا وعائلتنا ، نخلق ذكريات تدوم مدى الحياة. إنه لأمر ممتع حقًا مشاركة تجربة A مع من نحبهم. إن منحهم تجربة سفر رائعة يفوق بكثير فائدة شراء الهدايا لهم. تتمتع البضائع بعمر محدود ، بينما تدوم الذكريات إلى الأبد.

قد يهمك :

قصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر

قصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر
قصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر

قد يطلب منك معلم اللغة الانجليزية كواجب مدرسي أن تكتب قصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر ، لذلك أنت في حاجة الى نموذج ج ، لذلك يسعدنا أن نعرض لكم في هذه الفقرة نموذج سيساعدك في كتابة موضوعك الخاص بلا شك ، وهو كالتالي :

I have really enjoyed my summer vacation. I went to Spain with my friends. It was a time full of relaxation and loads of fun. We stayed at a tremendous and amazing resort that had a pool right near our room. 

The food was very delicious with lots of varieties to choose from. We visited the beach and participated in all water sports and activities. My favourite activity was the banana ride! 

The mountain was really near, so we went hiking, the scene is spectacular there. 

On the last day, we visited an ancient island near the shore. It was an incredible time!

I am still thinking about the barbeque night we had there. The smell of food was unbelievable. In fact, it was one of the best summer trips planned with my friends. 


لقد استمتعت حقاً بعطلتي الصيفية. ذهبت إلى إسبانيا مع أصدقائي. لقد كان وقتًا ممتلئًا بالاسترخاء والكثير من المرح. بقينا في منتجع ورائع ذي مسبح قريب من غرفتنا.

كان الطعام لذيذ جداً مع الكثير من الأصناف للاختيار من بينها. قمنا بزيارة الشاطئ وشاركنا في جميع الرياضات المائية والأنشطة هناك. كان نشاطي المفضل ركوب وتزلج الموزة!

كان الجبل قريبًا منا، لذلك ذهبنا مشياً على الأقدام، كان المشهد مذهل هناك.، في اليوم الأخير، قمنا بزيارة جزيرة قديمة بالقرب من الشاطئ. لقد كان وقت لا ينسى!

ما زلت أفكر في ليلة حفل الشواء هناك. رائحة الطعام لا تُصدّق. في الواقع، كانت واحدة من أفضل الرحلات الصيفية التي خططت لها مع أصدقائي.

 برجراف عن السفر للخارج له مميزات وعيوب 

 برجراف عن السفر للخارج له مميزات وعيوب
 برجراف عن السفر للخارج له مميزات وعيوب 

قد يكون السفر للخارج واحدة من أبرز وأهم الأهداف المستقبلية للكثير من شبابنا العربي، حيث يظن الجميع بأن السفر إلى الخارج يحوطه الإيجابيات والمزايا من كافة النواحي، ولكن لم يكن الأمر يومًا هكذا؛ وفيما يلي نعرص لكم في هذه الفقرة من مقالنا أهم مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج باللغة الانجليزية.


It’s Expensive

Sure, there are ways to travel for less, and having little money should never stop you doing it. But, in reality, without money, travel becomes far trickier.

In exactly the same way, going travelling depletes your bank balance. That nice nest egg you’d built up can shrivel up before your eyes! Indeed, most people scrimp and save to fund a trip.

It isn’t easy to handle. You look at your mates who’ve worked the whole time you’ve been away. They’re buying cars, houses, and doing cool stuff. Meanwhile, you have barely a penny to your name.

You might have to live back with mum and dad. You probably have to get a menial job to pay the bills or rent. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself. 

You’re Out of the Loop

You’re thousands of miles away from home, separated by oceans and continents.

After an initial teething period, you get used to it. You become immersed in the experience. And it isn’t as difficult being away from your loved ones.

You don’t go to the parties, you miss out on the latest gossip, and you aren’t privy to the goings-on. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you get home and find that you’re no longer up to speed with the group.

It can be easy to feel alienated and on the outskirts when you first get back.

Miss Important Events at Home

If you’re travelling, then you’ll almost certainly miss out on important events back home.

I ended up missing my Dad’s 60th birthday last year because of travel. He was great, and didn’t make a big deal of it at all. However, I missed it. And I was painfully aware of them all being together while I was on the other side of the world.

Similarly, this year I’ve already missed a family holiday and my brother’s birthday. I’m due to miss multiple friend’s wedding days, more birthdays, and probably Christmas.

I’m doing cool stuff all the time, but missing these are the times when I question if travel is really worth it. They’re some of the loneliest times on the road.

At the end of the day you have chosen to travel. It’s easy to feel guilty. It’s even easier to feel sorry for yourself.


Meet Incredible People

Of all the benefits to traveling, it’s often the people you meet that make the experience of travel so unforgettable.

Go travelling and become the newest member of a worldwide community of travellers. Meet people from all walks of life, with totally different backgrounds, stories and aspirations.

You will meet people you would never otherwise have crossed paths with. Your differences don’t matter. You’re all doing the same thing: adventuring, exploring, and seeing the world. You can make friends in an instant on that foundation alone.

Many people don’t like the idea of solo travel through fear of getting lonely.

And yep, there’s the potential for it (more on that subject later). But, in reality, it’s all too easy to meet likeminded, lovely people to spend time with.

If you’re like me, then you’ll sometimes yearn for a bit of time to yourself…Overall though, a major travel benefit is the lifelong friendships you earn along the way. Whether you stay in touch or not, they’ll walk with you forever in memory.

Explore Somewhere New

Of all the benefits of travel, this one’s a little obvious!

There’s no denying that travel takes you to places you’ve never been before.

You grow up and hear about distant lands and exotic cultures in stories (like these ones!). Myths and legends inspire wanderlust from a young age. You read books about foreign shores, first explorers, and novel ways of life.

Then you go travelling and see it all with your own eyes. It’s surely one of the primary reasons for travelling in the first place!

You explore the ruins you learned about in history class, witness the images you’d only seen on TV, and spend time in magical places you’d never even heard about.

Your entire world can feel like your house, friends, family, and neighbourhood. Step outside and have travel burst that bubble. Step outside the norm and you get a sense of how much there is to see out there.

Ironically, the more you travel, the bigger the world seems to get.

Wondering what to take on your travels? Check out this post full of packing list ideas.

Have an Adventure

A desire for adventure is what drives my wanderlust.

I don’t know why, but I’ve always yearned for it. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to have an adventure. Travel is my way of having one.

It’s one reason why travelling is important to me.

It’s about independence, taking control of my life, and getting out and doing something a bit different. For me, travel is really living. It gets to the very heart of what it is to live life in a vibrant, engaged, intense way.

Go travelling and forge memories that will last forever. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

لم تجد ما تبحث عنه؟ ابحث هنا

 تعبير عن السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي

 تعبير عن السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي
 تعبير عن السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي

الكثير منا يفضلون السفر بالسيارات ، و هذه الطريقة في السفر شأنها شأن مثيلاتها من طرق النقل ، لها العديد من المميزات و العيوب المختلفة ، وفيما يلي نعرض لكم في هذه الفقرة نموذج موضوع جاهز يتحدث عن عن السفر بالسيارة بالانجليزي.

Traveling by a car is a good for some people. People like to take a road trip and enjoy the beauty of nature while driving. Many people enjoy traveling by  a car because that want to stop at different locations during the trip. Also, some people like to have their cars with them while traveling. x

Many people like to travel by a car because it has many advantages. some of the advantages are you can travel anytime and you can stop at anytime. you can visit places in the way. and also traveling by a car is not expensive. on the other hand, there are disadvantages of traveling by a car. it takes long time and people get tired of driving. also you need to check the car before traveling. some areas on the road are not safe at night.

ترجمة :

السفر بالسيارة شئ جميل لبعض الاشخاص. الاشخاص يحبون السفر عن طريق البر للأستمتاع بجمال الطبيعة اثناء القيادة. الكثير من الاشخاص يستمتعون بالسفر بالسيارة بسبب انهم يرغبون بالتوقف في اكثر من مكان خلال الرحلة. ايضاً، بعض الناس اصطحاب سيارتهم معهم اثناء السفر.

الكثير من الاشخاص يحبون السفر بالسيارة بسبب ان هنالك ايجابيات كثيرة. البعض من المميزات هي انك تستطيع السفر في اي وقت و تستطيع التوقف في اي وقت. تستطيع التوقف وزيارة مناطق في الطريق. وايضاً السفر بالسيارة غير مكلف (رخيص). في المقابل، هنالك سلبيات للسفر بالسياره. السفر بالسيارة يأخذ وقت طويل و الاشخاص يتعبون من القيادة. ايضاً تحتاج ان تفحص السيارة قبل السفر. بعض المناطق في الطرق غير آمنه في الليل.

 فوائد السفر بالانجليزي 

 فوائد السفر بالانجليزي
 فوائد السفر بالانجليزي 

لا يمكننا جميعا أن نغفل كم المزايا التي يتمتع بها الشخص عند السفر إلى الخارج سواء لطلب العلم أو العمل ؛ لذا نعرض لكم في هذه الفقرة أهم  فوائد السفر بالانجليزي ، تابعوا القراءة .

1. Achieve peace of mind

Most of us live in the city. Our daily routine involves navigating through urban landscapes on crowded public transport in chase of our busy schedules. Gradually stress accumulates. Problems loom large, burnout makes us feel dissatisfied with out job, we never seem to find time for adventure.

Travel is your cure!

Travelling can disconnect you from your daily routine. Once you break the repetitive pattern, pack your bags and hit the road, your mind can reset. Seeing new places, meeting new people, overcoming various challenges may even help you appreciate what you have left behind. It can help you take a step back and think about things and people you miss. You can get a better perspective on your life and remember all the good things.

Travelling lets you live life for its own sake!

2. Enhance your creativity

One of the biggest benefits of Travelling is that it takes you out of your comfort zone. Especially if you are travelling to a place you have never visited before, everything seems fresh and new. New stimuli attack all your senses. You see new landscapes and experience vivid colours. You hear new music, people speak an unknown language in the streets, which overflows with the new scents smells. The smell and the taste of new food… Even the small challenges are welcome. How do you hold chopsticks? How do you bargain at the market? How do you find your way around?

Travelling introduces novelty to your brain and improves cognition. Once you face new challenges, you need to be resourceful to find a solution. New neural connections are created in the brain as a result, and they engender new original thoughts.

So once you return home, you can use all these new stimuli and creativeness to generate new ideas in your old job!

3. Improve your communication skills

Are you a fan of international travel? Do you prefer remote and exotic locations?

Then you have probably been to places where your native language is not spoken. Sometimes you need to be quite ingenious when trying to relate with the locals. At one point you realise that every attempt to find a place or buy something involves a lot of pointing and gesturing. But gradually you pick up words.  Izquierda, mañana, dim sum, bossa nova, sushi, pastrami, gelato. Most of these you can smell, hear, taste and feel!

Meanwhile, you are also learning a lot about a new way of life, a new culture. You may even find new friends and expand your real-life social network. Especially if you are a fan of couchsurfing.

Another advantage of Ttravelling is that it also makes you interesting. Once you get back home, everyone will want to hear about your adventures and the new friends you found, or hear the new words you’ve learnt.

4. Broaden your horizons

How do we meet the world? Books, the Internet, TV news and documentaries tell us about distant countries, people and their way of life. However, a TV report presents to you someone else’s point of view and may very well narrow your perspective instead of broadening your mind.

Travelling the world and meeting people living in different conditions and treating life differently is what really teaches you about the world. Once you actually go and visit, you may even challenge your own opinion about less known places and cultures.

Discovering new cultures can also help you see the issues and the challenges of your daily life in a new way.

5. Boost your confidence

Travelling to new lands has its benefits but it also comes with its challenges.

I’ve heard my share of scary stories. A huge bull blocking the narrow mountain path you have taken. A rickshaw man takes a side street and suddenly you find yourself in a gloomy slum. You ask the locals for directions and they take you to the neighbourhood chief who looks like the gangsters in movies. And what is really scary is that you are alone in an unknown place. You cannot rely on friends and relatives, or even on your language skills.

This is why how travelling forces you to be resourceful and teaches you how to cope with obstacles. Overcoming various challenges turns the scary story into and adventure and boosts your confidence. You even feel better prepared for the challenges waiting for you back home.

 جمل عن السفر بالانجليزي 

 جمل عن السفر بالانجليزي
 جمل عن السفر بالانجليزي 

سنقدم لكم في هذه الفقرة من مقالنا أجمل و أروع الجمل عن السفر ، يمكن ادراجها عند كتابة موضوعات التعبيرية التي لها علاقة بالسفر .

  • One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.

هدف المسافر خلال الرحلة، ليست في المكان وانما في خلق طريقة جديدة لرؤية الاشياء.

  • To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.

اجمل احساس في العالم، هو ان تستيقظ بمفردك وانت في بلد غريبة عنك.

  • We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.

العالم مليئ بالروعة والجمال والغرابة، ولا يمكن الحصول على هذه الروعة سوى اذا بحثنا عنها بعيون مفتوحة.

  • A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

رحلة الالف ميل تبدا بخطوة واحدة،

  • The journey not the arrival matters.

جوهر السفر ليس في الوصول، وانما الجوهر يكمن في طريق السفر.

  • I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.

لا يوجد طريقة او وسيلة من اجل معرفة اذا كنت تحب شخصا او تكرهه، اكثر من السفر معه.