من خلال التعرف على أجمل كلام عن الأم، يمكننا الإشارة إلى فضل عظيم وقع على الإنسان، حيث إن فضل الأم على الإنسان لا يقدر بثمن، حيث إن الأم هي التي تقدم كل ما لديها بدون مقابل، لذلك سوف نقدم لكم في هذا المقال شعر بالانجليزي عن الام.

شعر بالانجليزي عن الام

شعر بالانجليزي عن الام
شعر بالانجليزي عن الام

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم شعر بالانجليزي عن الام, و هو كالتالي :

  1. “What Mother Means”
    by Karl Fuchs
    “Mother” is such a simple word,
    But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
    For everything I am today,
    My mother’s love showed me the way.
  • “A Mother’s Love”
    by Anonymous
    Of all the special joys in life,
    The big ones and the small,
    A mother’s love and tenderness
    Is the greatest of them all.
  • “To My Mother”
    by Robert Louis Stevenson
    You too, my mother, ready my rhymes
    For love of unforgotten times,
    And you may chance to hear once more
    The little feet along the floor.
  • “My Mother”
    by Ann Taylor
    Who fed me from her gentle breast,
    And hush’d me in her arms to rest,
    And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
    My Mother.
  • When sleep forsook my open eye,
  • Who was it sung sweet hushaby,
  • And rock’d me that I should not cry?
  • My Mother.
  • Who sat and watched my infant head,
  • When sleeping in my cradle bed,
  • And tears of sweet affection shed?
  • My Mother.
  • When pain and sickness made me cry,
  • Who gazed upon my heavy eye,
  • And wept for fear that I should die?
  • My Mother.
  • Who dress’d my doll in clothes so gay,
  • And taught me pretty how to play.
  • And minded all I had to say?
  • My Mother.
  • Who taught my infant lips to pray,
  • And love God’s holy book and day.
  • And walk in Wisdom’s pleasant way?
  • My Mother.
  • And can I ever cease to be
  • Affectionate and kind to thee,
  • Who was so very kind to me?
  • My Mother.
  • Ah, no! the thought I cannot bear;
  • And if God please my life to spare,
  • I hope I shall reward thy care,
  • My Mother.
  • Who ran to help me when I fell,
  • And would some pretty story tell,
  • Or kiss the place to make it well?
  • My Mother.
  • When thou art feeble, old, and gray,
  • My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
  • And I will soothe thy pains away,
  • My Mother.
  • And when I see thee hang thy head,
  • ‘Twill be my turn to watch thy bed.
  • And tears of sweet affection shed,
  • My Mother.
  • For could our Father in the skies
  • Look down with pleased or loving eyes,
  • If ever I could dare despise
  • My Mother.

كلام عن الام بالانجليزي مترجم عربي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلام عن الام بالانجليزي مترجم عربي, و هو كالتالي :

  • My mother is my first friend in this life, she is the first to hug me, kiss me, wipe my tears.
  • أمي هي أول صديقة لي في هذه الحياة ، فهي أول من احتضني، قبلني، مسح دموعي.
  • My mother is the heart of our home, the light of our lives, without her there is no life.
  • أمي هي قلب منزلنا، ضوء حياتنا، بدونها ليس هناك حياة.
  • There is nothing more important in life than a mother.
  • ليس هناك في الحياة أهم من الأم.
  • Motherhood is the world’s greatest adventure, and yet the most beautiful.
  • الأمومة هي أكبر مغامرة في العالم ، ومع ذلك فهي أجملها.
  • The effect of a mother’s hug remains for a long time, even after it is over.
  • يبقى تأثير حضن الأم لوقت طويل، حتى بعد انتهائه.
  • A mother’s love is more beautiful than anything else.
  • حب الأم أجمل من أي شئ آخر.
  • It is the mother who gives her children love, dignity, strength to face life.
  • الأم هي من تمنح أطفالها الحب ، الكرامة، القوة من أجل مواجهة الحياة.
  • What makes me wake up every day smiling is that I will see you mom, I love you so much.
  • إن ما يجعلي أستيقظ كل يوم مُبتسمًا، هو أنني سوف أراكي يا أمي، فأنا أحبك جدًا.
  • A mother, is one person who does everyone’s work, friend, doctor, teacher, and sometimes she acts as a father as well.
  • الأم، هي شخص واحد يقوم بأعمال الجميع، الصديق، الطبيب، المعلم، وأحيانًا تقوم بدور الأب كذلك.
  • Thanks to Mum who acted as mum and dad together.
  • شكرًا لأمي التي قامت بدور الأم والأب معًا.
  • “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” —Cardinal Mermillod
  • “الأم هي التي تستطيع أن تحل محل الآخرين كلهم، ولكن لا يستطيع أي أحد أن يحل محلها”. كاردينال ميرميلود
  • Mom, you are the source of tenderness, the beat of my heart, and the secret of my happiness. Happy New Year.
  • أمي، أنت نبع الحنان، نبض قلبي، وسر سعادتي، كل عام وأنت بخير.
  • Happy Mother’s Day Mom, I love you, my rose.
  • عيد أم سعيد يا أمي، أنا أحبك يا وردتي.
  • Life didn’t come with a clue, but my life came with you mom, Happy Mother’s Day.
  • الحياة لم تأتي مع دليل، ولكن حياتي جاءت معك يا أمي، عيد أم سعيد.
  • Mom, your strength is beyond the power of nature. Happy Mother’s Day. Every year you are with me.
  • أمي إن قوتك تفوق قوة الطبيعة، عيد أم سعيد، كل عام وأنت معي.
  • Happy Mother’s Day Mom, thank you for taking care of us all this life, I know it’s never easy, I love you so much.
  • عيد أم سعيد يا أمي، أشكرك على اهتمامك بنا طوال هذا العمر، فأنا أعلم أنه ليس من السهل أبدًا، أحبك جدًا.
  • Happy Mother’s Day to the most beautiful mother in this world, I love you as far as the distance to the moon and back again.
  • عيد أم سعيد لأجمل أم في هذا العالم، أحبك بقدر المسافة إلى القمر والعودة مرة أخرى.
  • Thank you for always being with us mom, happy mother’s day.
  • شكرا لوجودك دائما معنا يا أمي، عيد أم سعيد.
  • On Mother’s Day and every day, Happy New Year, Mom.
  • في يوم عيد الأم وكل يوم، كل عام وأنت بخير يا أمي.
  • I’m one of the luckiest people because you’re my mom, no one could have endured me for so long Happy Mother’s Day.
  • أنا من أكثر الناس حظًا لأنك أمي، لم يكن أي شخص ليتحملني كل تلك المدة الطويلة، عيد أم سعيد.

كلام عن الام بالانجليزي قصير جدا

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلام عن الام بالانجليزي قصير جدا, و هو كالتالي :

  • A mother’s love is the most enduring of all.
  • Mother is the greatest secret of existence that has accompanied our hearts from the softness of our bodies, until that body is strong.
  • A mother’s heart is like a musk stick, whenever it burns, it releases its fragrance.
  • My mother is a strong, honest word that all living beings utter to seek the tenderness, warmth, and great love that God has instilled in the hearts of mothers towards their children.
  • My mother, O legend, has aroused the fragrance in my breath. On the mother’s knees, the children of the nation are raised.
  • A mother’s eyes are the secret of her son’s inspiration.
  • Homes without good mothers are graves.

كلام عن الام والاب بالانجليزي مترجم

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلام عن الام والاب بالانجليزي مترجم, و هو كالتالي :

  • – “A father’s presence is a gift that money can’t buy” .
  • (حضور الأب هو هدية لا تشترى بالمال).
  • – “A father’s strength is the foundation of a family’s stability” .
  • (قوة الأب هي أساس استقرار الأسرة).
  • – “A father is a man who will always be there to catch you when you fall” .
  • (الأب هو الرجل الذي سيكون دائمًا هناك ليمسكك عندما تسقط).
  • -“A father’s love is like no other love in the world” .
  • (حب الأب ليس مثل أي حب آخر في العالم).
  • – “A father’s presence brings strength and stability to the family” .
  • (حضور الأب يجلب القوة والاستقرار للعائلة).
  • – “A father is someone you can always rely on, no matter what” .
  • (الأب هو شخص يمكنك الاعتماد عليه دائمًا، مهما كانت الظروف).

قد يهمك :

قصة قصيرة عن الام بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم قصة قصيرة عن الام بالانجليزي, و هو كالتالي :

The story goes that a mother whose husband died two and a half years after their marriage and left her two children, Hind, who was two years old, and Hamdi, who was two months old.
and the youngest, Hamdi, was only 5 months old at the time.
The mother worked as a farmer, carried an axe and planted crops so that she could provide for her living expenses and raise her two children.
She lived with her children in a room with a roof made of rice straw and palm fronds, the mother dreamed of living with her children in a room with a cement roof or even wood to protect her children from the cold and rain in the winter inside their nest in which they live.

In her childhood, this mother was unable to get her education, and she married Uncle Saleh, who was a fisherman, and when he left and left her and her children, the mother decided to fulfill her dream of education by sending her children to school.

This mother took responsibility for two children and their future, so she woke up early in the morning at dawn every day.
and went to her small field and grabbed the axe to sow the carrots she owned to provide for them.
She was surrounded by many troubles and insults from her family and relatives for her refusal to marry, despite her young age.
she decided to live for her children, raise them and fulfill what she dreamed of in them.

عبارات شكر للام بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم عبارات شكر للام بالانجليزي, و هو كالتالي :

  • Mom, now that I’m old enough to realize how much love and attention you gave me, thank you so much for everything you gave me, my love.
  • My mother who gave me everything she had, my mother who sacrificed for me, you have my sincere gratitude and thanks that I send from the depths of my heart.
  • To the one who guided me to the light in the darkest times of my life, my mother is a loving hand and a steady shoulder in adversity.
  • All the words of appreciation and thanks are insufficient, and my letters do not know how to organize them in a suitable phrase to show my love and gratitude to my mother.
  • To the woman who helped and supported me in the most difficult circumstances of my life, to the loving hand that gently patted my shoulder, Mom, I love you.
  • My mom always makes me feel like a unique treasure, she believes in me and my plans and goals, mom, I hope one day I can make your lips smile at my success.
  • My mom is unparalleled in all of life, my mom gave me unrequited love.
  • To my biggest concern in my life, I really care about your happiness, Mom, just as you have always cared about my happiness and security.
  • I had all the happiness in the world when I was given a mother who was able to give me love and care unrequited.

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