كلام مدح و الحب والمشاعر التي تكمن في قلب الحبيب تجاه شريك الحياة، فبدون الكلام لا يستطيع الإنسان أن يعرف مكانته في قلب الإنسان الآخر، فبجانب المواقف والحياة المليئة بالحب يأتي الكلام ليعبر عن المشاعر الصادقة التي يجب على كل حبيب أن يتبادلها مع حبيبه، لذلك في هذا المقال سنقدم لكم كلام مدح للحبيب بالانجليزي.

كلام مدح للحبيب بالانجليزي

كلام مدح للحبيب بالانجليزي
كلام مدح للحبيب بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلام مدح للحبيب بالانجليزي, و هو كالتالي :

  • My sweetie has the most exquisite features in the cosmos and the most lovely eyes in the galaxy.
  • حبيبي يمتلك أجمل عيون في المجرة ويملك أجمل ملامح الكون.
  • Of all the ladies in the world, there is nothing I could find more lovely than the eyes of my sweetheart.
  • لم أستطيع أن أجد أجمل من عيون حبيبي في جميع نساء العالم.
  • How lovely it is to gaze at my sweetie at dusk.
  • ما أجمل أن أنظر إلى حبيبي وقت غروب الشمس.
  • You are life; love is only a word.
  • الحب كلمة ولكن أنت حياة.
  • I am unable to look away from you or towards someone else.
  • لا أستطيع إبعاد عيني عن النظر إليك الالتفات لأحد أخر.

كلمات غزل بالانجليزي طويلة

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلمات غزل بالانجليزي طويلة , و هو كالتالي :

  • Your eyes are my first and last home, they are my beautiful free home, they are all that I have and all that I love to have.
  • Baby, after you close your eyes in the evening and before you open them in the morning, always remember that your lover is here and will always be here, no matter how difficult we find it.
  • Life is full of difficulties, but for some reason I don’t feel them with you by my side.
  • I have found the most precious, beautiful and delicate jewel in existence, my precious lover, my future wife, my current mother and daughter.
  • My beloved is the best woman on earth who deserves all the joy, love, and happiness that God has created for her alone.
  • Good morning on the most beautiful girl in life, on the most beautiful girl in the world
  • Your eyes are the most beautiful thing that can pass through a person’s life.
  • In the light of your eyes, I find a long night of longing, love, and a life full of bliss and goodness.
  • When I look at you, I find my future that I have always dreamed of and that I have always believed is the right path to take.
  • Every morning the first thing that comes to my mind is you, your words, your face and the beautiful light of your eyes.
  • There is nothing in this life that fascinates me as much as you do.
  • May the light, love, and warmth of your face continue to shine on me.
  • Good morning, O face of beauty from which goodness, love, and all security and joy shine.
  • Your eyes carry countless amounts of love, warmth and tenderness, how beautiful you are, sweetheart.
  • Good night, you are the most delicious thing in this life.
  • My love, you are the past, the present, and you will be the future, thanks to God’s grace and management.

كلام غزل بالانجليزي تويتر

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلام غزل بالانجليزي تويتر , و هو كالتالي :

  • To the beloved one whose life is not complete without her presence, and whose joy is not complete without her presence, how I long for you at this moment to complete my joy with your charming image.
  • I don’t know how I would spend my life if you were gone, but I know now that the most difficult moments are the ones when I don’t see you in front of me.
  • Every night I sleep until I dream of your presence near me, and I only wake up in the morning with the hope of meeting you, until my dream becomes a reality with the touch of your delicate hand.
  • I learned poetry for you, and I crafted phrases from flowers perfumed by your memory, but your beauty surpassed all letters and words and made me helpless in its presence.
  • The days of my life are only the ones I lived with you, and the rest is just a long wait for your sweetness.
  • Everything about you makes me melt like a candle burned by waiting, I love you until I melt and burn the hours of my life to meet you, my love.
  • When I look into your eyes, I see distant universes, stray dreams, and I am resurrected after being tired of being away from you.

كلمات لطيفة بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلمات لطيفة بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

  • انت حب عمري الذي طالما تمنيت ان اكون بجانبه.
  • You are the love of my life, which I longed to be beside
  • الحياة معك هي كل معاني السعادة.
  • Life with you is all the meanings of happiness
  • انت تعرف جيدا كيف تجعلني اشعر بالسعادة ,احبك من كل قلبي.
  • You know how to make me happy, I love you with all my heart
  • اعدك بأني لن اسمحك لاحد ان يؤذيك ابدا.
  • I promise that I will never let anyone hurt hurt you 
  • ليتني استطيع ان اسكن في قلبك وامشي في شرايينك.
  • I wish I could live in your heart and walk in your veins
  • الحياة بدونك ليس لها معني.
  • Life without you has no meaning
  • حبك لك هو ما يجعلني اري العالم جميلا.
  • Your love for me is what makes me see the world beautiful
  • وجودك بجانبي هو المعني الحقيقي للامان.
  • Being beside me is the true meaning of safety
  • عندما اكون معك انسى العالم كله وكأنني اطير في السماء.
  • When I am with you, I forget the whole world, as if I am flying in heaven
  • انت اجمل هدية في حياتي وكأنك قطعة من الجنة على الارض.
  • You are the most beautiful gift in my life as if you were a piece of paradise on earth
  • عندما اكون معك اشعر كأني املك الدنيا كلها.
  • When I’m with you, I feel like I own all the world

عبارات غزل بالجمال بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم عبارات غزل بالجمال بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

  • True beauty lies in a kind word and a slight smile.
  • الجمال الحقيقي يكون في الكلمة الطيبة، والابتسامة الخفيفة.
  • The beautiful eye sees existence as beautiful.
  • العين الجميلة ترى الوجود جميلًا.
  • Seeing beautiful hearts is truer than eyes.
  • رؤية القلوب الجميلة أصدق من العيون.
  • Purity of heart is the key to beauty.
  • نقاء القلب هو مفتاح الجمال.
  • Half the beauty of a person is in good character.
  • نصف جمال الإنسان في حسن الخلق.

كلمات غزل بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلمات غزل بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي , و هو كالتالي :

  • Pure people make you see the beauty around you.
  • الأشخاص الأنقياء يجعلوك ترى الجمال من حولك.
  • The beauty of hearts is more beautiful than the beauty of faces.
  • جمال القلوب أجمل من جمال الوجوه.
  • You are beautiful to the extent of the love you carry in your heart for others.
  • أنت جميل بقدر ما تحمله في قلبك من محبة للآخرين.
  • The more beautiful your soul is, the faster it will enter the hearts of others.
  • كلما كانت روحك جميلة كلما دخلت قلوب الآخرين بشكل أسرع.

قد يهمك :

جمل مغازلة بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم كلمات جمل مغازلة بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

  • I am jealous of you from my dreams, from my longing, from my longing, and from my heartbeat.
  • You taught me longing, introduced me to love, and hated me with three: Your absence, your distance, and your separation.
  • I wish to be the star of your sky, the whisper of your lips, the candle of your massage.
  • Search the hearts of men and ask for the days of your life, and if you find such love as mine, you will be excused.
  • I long for you and rest with you, and if you are absent, I long for you, you are worthy of this love, the first heart I love and the last heart I love, the purest face in the world, and the best thing my eyes have ever seen, dear love, nostalgia, love is life, life is heart, heart is you.
  • My beloved, I can’t find words to describe her, for her beauty is as beautiful as the garam was created.
  • I congratulate my heart on your love and tell you that you are the light of my eyes and my soul. Love has killed lovers and your love has revived me, and if I had a choice in a homeland, I would say your homeland is my homeland.
  • No matter how long I live, I will still love you, my age, and no matter how far away you are, you will always be in my mind.

عبارات حب للزوجة بالانجليزي

فيما يلي سنقدم لكم عبارات حب للزوجة بالانجليزي , و هو كالتالي :

  • I love you because you have made me respect you more and more, and I love you because your love in my heart has become bigger.
  • You are not the one whose heart is in love, but the one who sees your eyelids is in love. I love you more than words can describe, and if you are absent, sleep will abandon me.
  • Your eyes will always confuse me, no matter how often I see them.
  • Like the moon rising every night and the sun rising every morning, I can’t forget you, nor can I stop loving you.
  • It doesn’t matter how many years I have left, the important thing is that I stay with you. My wife; the rules of happiness are four: You, your smile, being well, and being near me.
  • My other half on earth, having you by my side has become an obligation.
  • I always turn to you in my joy and sorrow, I don’t know why, but I feel that you are my comfort, you are exceptional in everything, you are not covered by any laws, you have your own law, you are my wonderful exception, nothing compares to you, you are my beautiful shell.
  • I drew you in my heart for fear of escaping, because I knew that those who love the sun suffer at the moment of sunset.
  • You know, my love, I envy myself for having you in my life.
  • I really loved you until I realized that you were a world inside me, lost in you, for you, and to you, I really went crazy for you.

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