يقدم لكم موقع إقرأ في هذا المقال تدريبات على present perfect ، و تمارين present perfect مع التصحيح ، و اختبار على Present perfect ، و تمارين على المضارع التام pdf ، و تمارين على present perfect ، يستخدم المضارع التام للدلالة على وجود رابط بين المضارع والماضي. يشير المضارع التام إلى حَدَث وَقَع قبل الوقت الحالي ولكنه غير مُحَدَد، غالبًا ما يستخدم المضارع التام عندما يكون المُتَحَدث مهتم بالتركيز على نتيجة الفعل أكثر من الفعل ذاته ، و في المقال التالي تابعوا معنا تدريبات على present perfect.

تدريبات على present perfect

فيما يلي تدريبات على present perfect:

تدريبات على present perfect 1
تدريبات على present perfect 1
تدريبات على present perfect 2
تدريبات على present perfect 2

تمارين present perfect مع التصحيح

إليكم تمارين present perfect مع التصحيح:

صرف الأفعال التي مابين قوسين في الجمل التالية الى زمن المضارع التام:

1• I (to work)…..…….. today.

2• We (to buy)……….. a new car.

3) (To be)…………..you at work?

4) The movie (to start/ not) ……….yet.

5) We (to plan/not) ………….our trip to Europe yet.

6) I (to see/not)……………you in a while now.

7) She (to finish) …………..her school assignments.

8) They (to forget)……………..about the appointment.

9) He (to go) ……………to Hungary.

10• Sam (to lost) …………..his keys.

11• I already (to have)…………… to the park.

12• You (to see) it?………………………………..

13• I (to finish) …………….all the work.

14• The police (to arrest)…………………….the criminal.

15• She (to cut)………….. her finger.

16• There (to be)……………. an accident here.

17• I just (to have) …………dinner.

18• Something (to happen)………………… here.

19• I (to decide)………………to leave this town.

20• I (to forget) …………..about it all.

21• She (to go) ……………..out

22• I (to see) never………….. such a thing before.

23• I( to arrive) ….to the airport.

24• I (to pay) …………..for the meal.

25• I (to send/not) ……………..the email yet.

حل التمرين درس المضارع التام  “Present Perfect” :

1• I have worked today.

2• We have bought a new car.

3• Have you been at work?

4• The movie has not started yet.

5• We have not planned our trip to Europe yet.

6• I have not seen you in a while now.

7• She has finished her school assignments.

8• They have forgotten about the appointment.

9• He has been to Hungary.

10• Sam has lost his keys.

11• I already have been to the park.

12• Have you seen it?

13• I have finished all the work.

14• The police have arrested the criminal.

15• She has cut her finger.

16• There has been an accident here.

17• I have just had dinner.

18• Something has happened here.

19• I have decided to leave this town.

20• I have forgotten about it all.

21• She has gone out.

22• I have never seen such a thing before.

23• I have arrived to the airport.

24• I have paid for the meal.

25• I have not send the email yet.

لم تجد ما تبحث عنه؟ ابحث هنا

اختبار على Present perfect

اختبار على Present perfect:

اختبار على Present perfect
اختبار على Present perfect

تمارين على المضارع التام pdf

تمارين على المضارع التام pdf من هنا .

تمارين على present perfect

 تدريبات على زمن المضارع التام – الاثبات

1 ) You have already …………………….. ( complete ) the lesson .

2 ) You have already …………………….. ( do ) studying .

3 ) I have …………………….. ( complete )  the manufacture of the chair .

4 ) She has just …………………….. ( finish ) making cake .

5 ) She has …………………….. ( wash ) her clothes .

6 ) I have …………………….. ( worked ) for Samsung for 3 years .

7 ) We have …………………….. ( travel )  to Europe since 10 years ago .

8 ) I have …………………….. ( play )  in Alhilal in 1999 .

9 ) he has already …………………….. ( go )  to the market .

10 ) I have …………………….. ( plant ) trees since last week .

تدريبات على السؤال في المضارع التام

1 ) Have you …………………….. ( finish ) your work ?

2 ) Have you …………………….. (  work ) as a farmer ?

3 ) Have you already …………………….. ( go ) to America ?

4 ) Have you …………………….. ( work ) here for 3 years ?

5 ) have you …………………….. ( eat  ) ?

6 ) have you ever …………………….. ( see ) him ?

7 ) have you …………………….. ( see ) this movie before ?

8 ) Have you …………………….. ( eat ) peanuts before ?

9 ) Have you ever …………………….. ( go ) to Paris ?

10 ) Have you ever …………………….. ( use ) a computer ?

تدريبات على النفي في المضارع التام

1 ) I have not …………………….. (  finish ) working yet .

2 ) I have not …………………….. (  finish ) building the house yet .

3 ) I have not already …………………….. ( call ) him .

4 ) I have not …………………….. (  visit ) them before .

5 ) I have not …………………….. (  work ) as a chef since 2008 .

6 ) I have not …………………….. (  eat ) meat since 1999 .

7 ) I have not …………………….. (  understand) yet .