يقدم لكم موقع إقرأ في هذا المقال تدريبات على must و have to ، و Must and have to Exercises with answers PDF ، و تمارين على have to ، وتمارين على must و should وHave to ، و اختبار must and should ، للمزيد من المعلومات تابعوا معنا.

تدريبات على must و have to

فيما يلي مجموعة تـدريبات على must و have to:

تدريبات على must و have to 1
تدريبات على must و have to 1
تدريبات على must و have to 2
تـدريبات على must و have to 2

Must and have to Exercises with answers PDF

يمكنكم تحميل Must and have to Exercises with answers PDF من هذا الرابط

تمارين على have to

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have to.
Use contractions where possible.

1.Students …………pay to go to private schools, but state schools are free.

2.…………Do you have to wear a uniform? Yes, we.

3.I don’t like exams, but I………… take them at the end of the term.

4.Our teacher ………… do homework, but we do.

5.Milly ………… carry her school bag to school every day.

6.R.E. and music aren’t compulsory. You ………… study them.

7.Do children in Poland …………go to school on Saturday?

قد يهمك:

تمارين على must و should وHave to

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1When we were at school we ……………wear a uniform.

2You …………… be an expert to use the basic functions of program.

3You …………… to tell her that you are sorry.

4We ……………go to the meeting. Why didn’t you go?

5I ………….. wear glasses, I still can see perfectly well.

6We went to bed right after dinner because we ………….. get up early the following day.

7We ………….. go for a drink one day.

8You ………….. take any money. It wasn’t necessary.

9What are you doing? You ………….. be here!

10We ………….. talk to each other because it was an exam.

اختبار must and should

اختبار must and should:

اختبار must and should
اختبار must and should