يقدم لكم موقع إقرأ في هذا المقال تدريبات على have got ، و Have and have got exercises ، و Have got and has got liveworksheets ، و Have got and has got exercises pdf ، خذ وقتك في فهم الاسئلة قبل الاجابة عليها وبعد الاختبار انصحك بقراءة الدرس مرة اخرى لكي تفهمه بشكل جيد

تدريبات على have got

فيما يلي مجموعة تـدريبات على have got:

تدريبات على have got 1
تدريبات على have got 1
تدريبات على have got 2
تدريبات على have got 2
تدريبات على have got 3
تدريبات على have got 3

Have and have got exercises

Complete the sentences with have got or has got. If there is a (-) use haven’t got or hasn’t got.

1. My sisters ………. long hair.
2. I can’t open the door. I ………. a key. (-)
3. We ………. an apple tree in the garden.
4. Robert ………. a lot of friends in school.
5. They ………. two cats and a dog.
6. Ben ………. a lot of books. (-)
7. I ………. enough time to go on holidays.
8. My friend ………. an orange basketball.
9. Betty and Frank ………. a really nice aunt.
10. Hurry up! We ………. much time. (-)
11. My parents ………. a big bedroom.
13. My uncle ………. a son or a daughter. (-)
14. The twin sisters in our class ………. pretty eyes.
15. We ………. a red sofa in our classroom.
16. My hamster ………. a very soft fur.
17. She wants new jeans, but she ………. the money. (-)
18. Our English teacher ………. a beard.
19. I ………. a big flat screen in my room.
20. My brother ………. long black hair.

Have got and has got liveworksheets

Have got and has got liveworksheets:

Have got and has got liveworksheets 1
Have got and has got liveworksheets 1
Have got and has got liveworksheets 2
Have got and has got liveworksheets 2

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Have got and has got exercises pdf

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Have got and has got exercises pdf النموذج الثالث

Have got and has got exercises pdf النموذج الرابع